Visualisations using Tableau

Below you'll find various different charts & plots I created with Tableau, using the data I extracted from my text sentiment analyses. Simply scroll down and enjoy!


Here you'll find a Google Analytics styled dashboard with several "metrics", a map of all cities mentioned across all books and more.

Detailed Sentiments

Below the detailed view of the sentiments using the NRC dictionary. Use the menu in the upper right to show a different book.

Comparative overview

Below a comparative overview of all four books. You can see that the two books that are more on the sombre side (1984 & Crime and Punishment) show actually lower sentiment scores, while the more upbeat Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy have "happier" graphs.

Treemap of Emotions

Below an overview of emotions within each of the books (according to the NRC dictionary).

What you can notice here is that "Trust" overall makes up a large portion. One reason might be the specific vocabulary being used, especially in 1984 - so for example frequent words such as "police", "ministry" or "comrade" are being associated with the emotion "trust". The same applies to "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" with frequent words like "inifinity", "sun" and of course "guide", all of which are also associated with the emotion "trust".

You can click on the items in the legend to highlight a particular emotion in the treemaps.

Waffle Chart 1984

A waffle chart showing the distribution of the emotions in 1984 by George Orwell.

You can click on the items in the legend to highlight a particular emotion in the waffle chart.

Text clouds

Below you can see text clouds, so visualisations of the most frequent words per book (excluding stopwords).